Minerals - S
Blue sapphire attracts success and prosperity. It gives you mental peace and strengthens wisdom, honesty and insight. Sapphire clears the mind and stimulates structured and concentrated thinking. Sapphire also protects against psychic attacks and people who try to dominate you mentally. It improves communication skills, self-expression, has a calming effect and reduces the effects of stress. A good stone for anger, powerlessness, inner unrest and depression.
Chakras: 5th, 6th
Location: India, Madagascar
Schalenblende helps you set your boundaries, he helps you let go of sadness, fear and emotional baggage. He breaks old patterns, allowing you to adapt better to new situations. He gives you the courage to find solutions in a creative way. It helps you to trust your intuition more and sleep better, especially if you worry too much. So it is a good stone for insomnia and fatigue.
Chakra: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Location: Brazil, India, Poland, Peru and Germany
Shells are carriers of healing energies that can promote emotional well-being. Just as the ocean has a calming effect on many people, shells are associated with bringing inner peace and serenity. They can help reduce stress and anxiety. Shells remind us of the beauty and diversity of the natural world. They can help strengthen our bond with nature and encourage a sense of respect for the environment. Just as the ocean purifies water, shells are seen as a symbol of purification. In some cultures, shells are associated with fertility and prosperity.
Scolecite is a stone with a high vibration, which gives you inner peace and helps you with your spiritual transformation. It opens your heart and helps you communicate. It gives you more peace and tranquility and improves sleep. He helps you listen to your inner self and clear blockages in your aura. Scolecite protects you against negative energies.
Chakra: 4th, 6th, 7th
Location: India
Pink Scolecite
Pink scolecite is often associated with the heart chakra. It can promote love, compassion and empathy, both for others and for yourself. It can help release old wounds, negative emotions and traumas. Pink scolecite can promote a sense of inner peace and tranquility. It can help reduce stress, anxiety and nervousness. This stone can contribute to self-acceptance and self-love. It is a stone that promotes harmonious relationships, whether romantic relationships, friendships or family ties.
Chakra: 4th
Location: Maharashtra, India, Iceland, Brazil
Selenite is a gypsum crystal that provides deep peace and is very good for meditation. It provides a clear mind and provides access to angelic consciousness and higher guidance. A tumbled stone in your pillowcase helps you sleep better. A larger piece placed in the house creates a calm and serene atmosphere or placed in the corners of the home it protects your home against negative outside influences and you also get a safe, quiet space. Do not put Selenite in water, it will become dull.
Chakra: All but especially 7th
Location: Morocco
Selenite Orange (Peach Selenite)
Selenite is a gypsum crystal that provides deep peace and is very good for meditation. It provides a clear mind and provides access to angelic consciousness and higher guidance. A tumbled stone in your pillowcase helps you sleep better. A larger piece placed in the house creates a quiet and serene atmosphere or placed in the corners of the home it protects your home against negative outside influences and you also get a safe, quiet space. Peach Selenite is a stone of emotional transformation that helps you release old traumas. It gives you insight into your inner processes and helps you accept your hidden self. He helps you to become more grounded. Do not put Selenite in water, it will become dull.
Chakra: All but especially 3rd
Location: Morocco
Septarie is a cheerful crystal that helps you realize ideas. He makes you patient, persevering and forbearing. It is useful when speaking in public but also within a smaller group. He helps you remain steadfast in difficult situations without closing down. It is a grounding, purifying and calming stone that helps you to trust your own feelings.
Chakra: 1st, 3rd
Location: Madagascar
Seraphinite (clinochlor)
Seraphinite is a stone with a high spiritual vibration. He teaches you to live from the heart. He makes it clear to you what changes are necessary to live in harmony. He helps you stop thinking and makes you feel what is good for you. It helps balance the body, has a vitalizing effect and gives you a feeling of well-being. It creates a loving feeling towards yourself and others.
Chakra: 4th
Location: Russia
Orange Seraphinite
Orange Seraphinite can help open the heart to love, compassion and emotional healing. It also helps release old emotional wounds, negative emotions and traumatic experiences. It can also be supportive in promoting forgiveness, both for others and for yourself. This stone is associated with joy and optimism, with a positive outlook on life and increasing your zest for life. He encourages self-expression and expressing your thoughts and feelings in a clear and loving way. It enhances creativity and artistic expression. Orange Serafinite promotes vitality and life force and can help reduce fatigue.
Chakra: 2nd, 4th
Location: Russia
Serpentine protects you from negative energy and radiation. It has a relaxing effect on tension and stress and gives you inner peace. It brings balance between body and mind. It is a good stone for meditation and for a good night's sleep. Serpentine gives you more self-confidence and helps you to live independently. It is best not to expose it to water for too long.
Chakra: 4th
Location: India, Afghanistan, Australia,…
Chitah Serpentine
Chitah Serpentine helps to ground better, allowing you to feel more connected and centered in the here and now. It is a protective stone that promotes self-expression and can help increase your self-confidence and adopt a positive self-image. It gives you more inner strength and courage and helps you overcome challenges and obstacles. Chitah Serpentijn strengthens your intuition and can help you make well-considered decisions.
Chakra: 4th
Location: USA, Italy, India, South Africa
Sphalerite gives you more life force, courage and vitality. It strengthens your creativity and gives you more zest for life. It ensures manifesting and more success, clear thinking and willpower.
Chakra: 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Location: Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, Mexico, Peru
Shattukite strengthens intuition and has a strong influence on communication. Shattuckiet makes communication honest, pure and understandable for anyone who wants to pass on certain wisdom, insights or knowledge. It is a very good stone for people who work with guides and/or work as a medium. It helps you to live and speak from truth, from your heart, to better express your own emotions and to take responsibility for your own actions.
He teaches you to listen to the other person so that you understand them better.
Chakra: 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th
Location: Africa
Shungite is a strongly grounding and protective stone that has a cleansing and transforming effect. It shields the aura and fills it with white light. The stone purifies the space in which it is placed and protects us from all sources of radiation such as computers, mobile phones, TV and others.
Chakra: 1st
Location: Russia
Emerald is the stone of unconditional friendship and partnership. A good stone for the heart chakra, it calms emotions and ensures emotional and mental balance. He helps us to cope with life's setbacks and enjoy life to the fullest. It strengthens memory and inspires us to deep inner knowledge. It is the stone of wisdom.
Chakra: 4th
Location: Brazil, Russia, USA
Snowflake Obsidian
Snowflake Obsidian is a soft obsidian type. He helps you gain more insight into yourself. This obsidian creates balance between body, soul and spirit. It provides inner peace and tranquility. It helps to process traumas and provides more insight. It calms you down when you feel restless and reduces your fears.
Chakra: 1st, 2nd
Location: USA, Scotland
Sodalite is a stone for the sixth chakra, the third eye, the search for the truth, staying true to yourself. It solves electromagnetic pollution. A very good stone for working in groups, it helps with absorbing new information. It provides emotional balance, dispels old fears, phobias and feelings of guilt.
Chakra: 5th, 6th
Location: North America, Brazil, France, Greenland...
Solar Quartz
Solar quartz is a disc cut from a quartz stalactite and, like all other rock crystals or quartz, is a powerful healer and energy amplifier that can help you achieve your goals. It gives you more clarity in your head and heart and helps to overcome confusion. It is also a protective and purifying stone that gives you a feeling of safety and security. This crystal increases your energy and promotes harmony in all aspects of your life.
Chakra: 7th
Spinel is a stone of rejuvenation, gives new energy, even in very difficult situations. It reduces stress and anxiety and gives courage and strength. He helps you achieve success. It is a stone for the base chakra.
Chakra: 1st, 4th (pink, red)
Location: India, Canada, Madagascar...
Black Spinel
Black Spinel is a protective stone to promote grounding and stability. It can help put you more in touch with the physical world and help you deal with stressful situations. He promotes emotional
stability and can help reduce negative emotions, such as fear and sadness, and promote inner peace. Black Spinel can increase your vitality. It is often used to combat fatigue and increase physical strength. It increases your self-confidence and gives you courage. It can help you to feel stronger and understand yourself better. It cleanses you of negative energies and helps you let go of old patterns and habits.
Chakra: 1st
Location: Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Cambodia, Sri Lanka