Minerals - P


Pearls are a symbol of purity and innocence. They remind us of the beginning of something new and pristine. They promote emotional balance. Pearls are considered good luck charms and symbols of love. They can serve as gifts of love and affection. They are protective amulets that protect the wearer against negative influences and dangers. They are associated with femininity, fertility and birth. They are a symbol of new life and growth. They also represent wisdom and self-insight.


Mother of pearl is often associated with bringing inner peace and tranquility. The iridescent, shimmering appearance evokes a sense of serenity and peace. Just as the ocean purifies water, mother of pearl is sometimes seen as a symbol of purification. It can help cleanse negative energies and create a purer energetic environment. It is often used as an amulet that protects the wearer against negative influences and dangers. It is associated with femininity, fertility, as a symbol of new life and growth. It helps you release negative emotions, promote emotional well-being and reduce stress and anxiety.


Paua or the Abalone shell represents inner peace and tranquility and is comparable to the calming influence of the ocean. It can help reduce stress and anxiety. The colors and shimmering appearance of the paua shell remind us that growth and change are possible, even in challenging circumstances. They help promote emotional balance, releasing negative emotions and creating harmony in life. They are protective amulets that can protect the wearer against negative influences and dangers. They promote self-expression and communication. They are associated with femininity and fertility and are a symbol of new life and growth. They can strengthen our bond with nature and encourage a sense of respect for the environment.

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Peridot helps you with your growth and personal development, breaking through blockages and letting go of what (or someone) you no longer need or limits you. Peridot is a good stone for tension, nervousness, anger, fear, guilt, shame, jealousy and impatience. It strengthens forgiveness, understanding, self-insight, (self)acceptance, a sense of self-worth, love for yourself and others and self-confidence.

Chakra: 4

Location: Egypt, Norway, Arizona, Canary Islands, Mexico

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Peach Selenite (Orange Selenite)

Selenite is a gypsum crystal that provides deep peace and is very good for meditation. It provides a clear mind and provides access to angelic consciousness and higher guidance. A tumbled stone in your pillowcase helps you sleep better. A larger piece placed in the house creates a quiet and serene atmosphere or placed in the corners of the home it protects your home against negative outside influences and you also get a safe, quiet space. Peach Selenite is a stone of emotional transformation that helps you release old traumas. It gives you insight into your inner processes and helps you accept your hidden self. He helps you to become more grounded. Do not put Selenite in water, it will become dull.

Chakra: All but especially 3rd

Location: Morocco


Phosphosiderite is a stone of hope, gives peace and makes you whole. It protects against external influences and keeps your energy level up. It is connected to the Violet Flame of transformation and deep spiritual transformation. He has a very loving and calming energy and is good for insomnia, restlessness and stress. It makes you feel more confident and helps you turn setbacks into new challenges. He turns negative energy into positive.

Chakra: 4th, 6th, 7th

Location: Argentina, Peru and Chile.

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Picasso Jasper

Picasso Jasper is a grounding stone that can help connect with the earth and promote stability and security. It can help you to be in the here and now. It promotes emotional stability and balance. It can help you reduce stress, anxiety and negative emotions. This stone stimulates your creativity and inspiration, helps you with self-expression and expressing thoughts and feelings in a clear and loving way. It is a protective stone that can ward off negative energies and create an aura of protection. It gives you more self-confidence and self-esteem and a healthy sense of self-esteem. He can help you let go of old patterns and embrace change.

Chakra: 5th, 6th

Location: India, Mexico, Africa, Australia, Brazil

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Pietersite connects you with your spiritual self, with intuition and your inner guidance. It puts an end to confusion and removes blockages. It is a strengthening stone, gives you more willpower and takes away unpleasant feelings. It improves concentration and processing information.

Chakra: 6th

Location: Namibia

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Pinolite or Iceflower Magnesite is associated with emotional purification and the release of negative emotions. It can help promote emotional balance and inner peace. It is a calming stone that can help reduce stress, anxiety and nervousness. It helps you improve communication and self-expression, and express thoughts and feelings in a clear and loving way. Pinolite contributes to self-love and self-acceptance. It can help overcome negative self-image issues and promote healthy self-esteem.

Chakra: 5th, 6th and 7th

Location: Montafon, Austria, South Tyrol, Italy, Lake George, Colorado, USA,

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Polychrome Jasper

Polychrome Jasper is a protective stone that cleanses the chakras and aura. It brings balance between body and mind and gives you more zest for life. Polychrome Jasper provides support in times of stress, makes you determined and gives you courage to tackle your problems. It is a good stone to neutralize electrosmog.

Chakra: All but especially the 1st

Location: Madagascar

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Prehnite is a stone of unconditional love. It is the stone of Archangel Raphael. It promotes inner knowledge. Prehnite is a protective, purifying stone that wraps you in Divine energy. It is a stone that helps you tidy up, it helps you let go of things that you no longer need. He gives you more insight into yourself and helps you with your spiritual growth. Preferably not in too bright sunlight.

Chakra: 4th

Location: South Africa

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Purpurite is a protective stone, it gives more clarity to your thoughts and communication. It is a rejuvenating stone that gives a lot of energy. It protects you from negative energy in your environment, removes it and removes curses and ill wishes. He lets the positive energy flow back. It gives you inspiration and more concentration.

Chakra: 6th, 7th

Takes place; Namibia, United States,...

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Pyrite is a very grounding stone that gives you more self-confidence, decisiveness and concentration. Pyrite promotes self-knowledge and shows us the light and dark sides of our character. He clarifies the cause of our living conditions and thus makes it possible to make changes. Pyrite does not like water.

Chakra: 1st, 3rd

Location: Can be found all over the world, but often from Peru

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Pyrite Cube

Pyrite Cube is a very grounding stone that gives you more self-confidence, decisiveness and concentration. Pyrite promotes self-knowledge and shows us the light and dark sides of our character. He clarifies the cause of our living conditions and thus makes it possible to make changes. A pyrite cube brings joy and happiness and gives us a feeling of inner joy. Pyrite does not like water.

Chakra: 1st, 3rd

Location: Spain, Morocco...